Grand Prix Moods is another mid-90s coffee table book on F1. Published by the same outfit that produces motorsport videos, Grand Prix Moods is supposed to be “..a photographic essay of motor racing in all its moods…” The book o...
Happy New Year! I’m in the middle of overhauling, so the site will look messy, broken and the graphics will be mashed up for a little while. I’m still coming to grips with the new WP theme as its complex ...
Written in 1993 this is Alain's effort to clear up the early 90s public perception of his racing personality...although it isn't able to cover Alain's time as team principal of Prost GP.
Being a Ronnie Peterson fan, I was lucky enough to get a copy of the Duke DVD Grand Prix Heroes: Ronnie Peterson from Santa this year. Having relied in the past on grainy old VHS tapes and equally grainy video clips on YouTube ...
“They Died Too Young: Ayrton Senna” is easily the smallest book I have in my collection. Its also probably the smallest Senna book ever published. Written by A.Noble, this book on Senna is part of a series of “They Died Too You...
I recently read Tommy Byrne’s (aided by Mark Hughes) autobiographical account of his ‘almost could have been’ F1 career “Crashed and Byrned: The Greatest racing driver you never saw” over a few airport lounge sessions. For the ...