Recent ebay F1 diecast sales – a look back at 2015

In early 2015 I thought the second hand and collector’s market was picking up again, however towards the end of 2015 (if you use eBay as an indicator) – resale values have definitely dropped. There probably 2 reasons – flat economic times and also Minichamps re-releases of previously rare model (e.g. 1:18 Lotus 79’s, Senna 1:18 Lotus 97T, 1:43 Hunt 1976 McLaren M23 to name a few…). Having said that, for new collectors this is good time to pickup previously expensive models to complete gaps in your collection. In 2016, Minichamps are slated to re-release a number of their World Champions Collections models.
What other patterns emerged in 2015 in the F1 diecast market? The clear standout was Max Verstappen 1:43 Torro Rosso STR10’s. With Max living up to much of the pre-season hype that he will be the next big thing – Minichamps and Spark 1:43 Torro Rosso STR10’s have amazing sales and resale values at the moment. We’ll have to see how long this can be sustained in the long term (it all depends on Max’s on track results….).
I’m going to shortly update the sales reports on the site with some 2015 sales and also update my Rare and Hard to find Minichamps post (long overdue) to reflect some of the price drops in many models.
All the best for 2016 and stay tuned for more reviews and posts!