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Blu-Ray review: Rush (Kimchi Steelbook)

Rush KimiChi Blu-Ray cover
Rush KimiChi Blu-Ray cover
Rush KimiChi Blu-Ray cover


Title: Rush
Producer: Working Title
Distributor: Canal+
Year: 2013
Length (min): 123min
DVD Subject:



Total Score

User Rating
6 total ratings



The Steelbook cover artwork, what else?


A little pricey for a fancy blu-ray case and korean language booklet

Posted November 7, 2014 by

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I recently discovered that Blu-Ray Steelbook collectors are an even more technical community than diecast collectors! Steelbook blu-rays are considerably more expensive than their standard issue plastic bluray cover versions. Steelbook fans look for limited edition artwork and special inclusions.
Most F1 fans have seen Ron Howard’s entertaining Lauda-Hunt tribute movie  “Rush” starring Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Brühl, so I won’t bother to rehash the plotline, acting and directing here in this post. What I will review is the Korean Kimchi variant Steelbook.

There are other Steelbook covers for Rush – the UK version has a red Steelcover, the Italian version has head portraits of Hemsworth on the front and Bruhl on the back. What makes the Korean kimichi Steelbook attractive to collectors is probably the stunning Suzuka rain soaked Ferrari 312T on the front and the McLaren M23 on the back covers.

The blu-ray disc comes in a one quarter slip cover in Korean but the steelbook case itself is in English. Inside the case, is a Korean language 16 page booklet of the making and background to the movie. There is another more limited Kimchi version that includes trading cards and a full slipcase but you can expect to shell out over US$80+ for a copy. This more basic Steelbook can be picked up in South Korea for around $US40.

The disc content contains the theatrical movie version and  the special features that are included on the regular bluray disc.

If you watch this movie at home, the race scenes (even the CGI cars) are definitely better in HD bluray than DVD.


Rush KimiChi Blu-Ray









Rush KimiChi Blu-Ray cover







Rush KimiChi Blu-Ray cover














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