What are Autocourse books worth?

A reader recently sent an email asking about older Autocourse resale values. Most collectors are likely to have a few Autocourse annuals in their collection. New Autocourse books of course start out at their usual retail price and slowly drop after 2+ years where you can pickup excellent condition old stock or second hand Autocourse books for around $US50.
Pre 1982 season and Senna era Autocourse books are much more revered by collectors, so expect these to cost a lot more. 1960’s and 1970’s Autocourse annuals that are in very fine condition or better generally command good prices. Senna McLaren era Autocourse (1988-1991) and 1994 (Senna death) also at times fetch good prices.
The usual grading rules (e.g. spine, dust jacket & page condition) still apply and will have a significant effect on value. In fact, a good unblemished dust jacket will go a long way to retaining good collectors value.
If you’re lucky and have an Autocourse book signed by a driver, team principal or engineer – it’s purely a case of the popularity of that signature. (e.g. Piquet vs Moreno).
Old Autocourse monthly magazines themselves are sometimes bought by mainly diehard or niche collectors. Most mainstream collectors will just prize having the older annuals.
Are the older Autocourse annuals really worth it? Putting aside resale values, the older Autocourse annuals (while they do have excellent statistics tables) are mainly full of black & white photos with the occasional colour picture . These will always look like a poor second cousin when compared side by side agains the modern era Autocourse books that are printed on heavy grade paper and front to back with excellent colour race photography.
Not offering, Rob, but if they’re mint, I’d insure the set for about Ј600-ish. As with the late fifties Autocourse magazines, the last few editions of Lou Stanley’s annuals are the scarcer books, but are worth less than the early ones. His sales were being squeezed by Autocourse and the publishers skimped on the presentation and content. Condition has even more of a bearing on these than on Autocourse. If one wanted a set of reading copies and you weren’t worried about dustjackets, I don’t think you’d have to pay more than Ј20 for any of the individual books – save perhaps 1967. I still haven’t been able to get my hands on that one.
Wow. What a bunch of BS. No regard for history because you cant obtain any of them.
have autocourse annuals from 75 to 83 for sale if interested all in pretty good shape
have autocourse annuals 75 to 83 available all in good shape no dust cover for keke rosberg
Looking for pre 1975 editions to fill out my collection. I have 1975 thru 2019 so far.
I know this post is a few years old but I have a few older ones
I have autocourse 1966 if anyone wants it?
I have 40 Autocourse annuals for sale from 1976-2016, all in excellent condition.
If anyone is interested in buying them, offers over £800 considered (plus delivery costs).