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Ed McDonough
Ferrari 156 McDonough book cover
Ferrari 156 McDonough book cover
Ferrari 156 McDonough book cover

Book review: Ferrari 156 Shark Nose by Ed McDonough

I can’t say that this year’s Ferrari SF-71H will likely be remembered as one of the more aesthetically pleasing Ferrari monocoques (unless of course, if Seb actually wins the 2018 championship). One of the most memorable and ic...
alfetta mcdonough book cover
alfetta mcdonough book cover
alfetta mcdonough book cover

Book Review: Alfetta – The Alfa Romeo 158/159 Grand Prix Car by Ed McDonough

While recently admiring online photos of a 1:18 scale Exoto XS Alfetta 159, I felt compelled to dig out Ed McDonough’s book on this iconic race car “Alfetta – The Alfa Romeo 158/159 Grand Prix Car”. Ferrari and 156 book f...