In my last post on the Williams FW08 6 wheeler, I managed to find an actual photo of the test car with Keke Rosberg at the wheel in Swedish photographer Peter Nygaard’s “Williams 1969-1998 Photo Album“. This book is part of a series of B&W photo albums published by Iconografix in the late 90s which included other F1 subjects like McLaren, Mario Andretti and Fangio.
These books have a standard format – 2 pages of introductory text, then its single B&W photo per page in chronological order. At the rear of the book is a portrait gallery of all Williams Drivers who have scored championship points for the team.
Fortunately for most car nuts, Nygaard’s photo selections almost all feature car & track action images (although there are no closeup chassis shots). I believe quite a few of the photos had been previously unpublished at the time. The opening images begin with Piers Courage in the BT26 and finish with Frentzen in the FW20.
It is somewhat of a shame that the photos are only B&W because the photos themselves definitely capture important moments in the team’s history. If you’re a fan specifically of the FW07 and FW12, there are actually quite a good number of photos.
I can really only recommend this book to die-hard Williams fans though. The softcover, photo resolution and print page quality means that you should be able to find this book reasonably cheaply now in second hand bookshops.
P.S. Unintentionally I just realised a lot of my recent posts have been on Williams books or diecasts, so its definitely time to take break and look at some other cars and teams…
Wow Factor or Money Shot: Hard to choose between the F08 6 wheel test car and Frank Williams himself in the cockpit of a Formula 3 racer in Denmark 1967…
Suitable for: Long suffering or nostalgic Williams fans only

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