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Ayrton Senna
Ayrton Senna A Tribute book cover
Ayrton Senna A Tribute book cover
Ayrton Senna A Tribute book cover

Book Review: Ayrton Senna – A Tribute by Ivan Rendall

I’ve been trying to slowly post reviews of the various Senna books on my shelves and its amazing just how many books have actually been written about him. Ivan Rendall’s “Ayrton Senna – A Tribute” ...

Book Review: Memories of Ayrton by Christopher Hilton

Its almost 10 years now since the late Christopher Hilton’s book on Ayrton Senna (one of many) “Memories of Ayrton” was published but for me, it still rates as one of the best Senna books. The book is basicall...


Rare Book Review: Ayrton Senna’s Principles of Race Driving by Ayrton Senna

There have been a few technical race driving books published by F1 drivers over the years, including Jackie Stewart’s ‘Principles of Performance Driving‘, Alain Prost’s ‘Competition Driving‘ ...

DVD Review: The Official Tribute to Senna

Having spotted an Amalgam McLaren MP4/4 diecast in Hong Kong on a recent visit, I was inspired to dig up my old copy of The Official Tribute to Senna. This is a 2 disc DVD compilation of various Senna documentaries – The ...


Book Review: They Died Too Young – Ayrton Senna by A Noble

“They Died Too Young: Ayrton Senna” is easily the smallest book I have in my collection. Its also probably the smallest Senna book ever published. Written by A.Noble, this book on Senna is part of a series of “They Died Too You...

Book Review: Ayrton Senna by Paolo d’Alessio

Some of you may be familiar with the photography of Paolo d’Alessio. His book ‘Ayrton Senna’ is part of a series of his books under the Italian publisher Gribaudo that also includes titles on Gilles Villeneuve, MIchael Schumach...