Removable cowling 1:43 F1 diecasts: Part 1 – Brumm Villeneuve Ferrari 126CK Limited Edition

Lets face it, all model collectors love diecast models with chassis cowling that can be removed to reveal seriously good internal engine detail. For F1 models, the best examples are the Exoto 1:18 cars including the Exoto XS series and the discontinued Exotos (Ferrari 312T, 312T2, 312T4; Renault RE20 and Williams FW14B). In the 1:43 scale range, Minichamps, Brumm and Quarzto have some models with removable parts. In the first of 2 part post, I’m going to look at the Brumm 1:43 scale Gilles Villeneuve Ferrari 126CK 1981 Monaco GP. There are many famous photos of Gilles relaxed in the cockpit of his exposed Ferrari and the special limited edition Brumm 1:43 model is an attempt to re-create this image.
If you’re a Gilles Villeneuve fan, you probably already know that Brumm have the biggest collection of Villeneuve Ferrari cars in 1:43 scale. Minichamps only have the Villeneuve McLaren M23, Ferrari 312T4 and the 126CK2. Hotwheels Elite have all the Villeneuve Ferraris in 1:43 scale but without a driver figure.
A few observations about the Brumm 1:43 model:
- seems to be made entirely of plastic parts – I can’t seem to find any diecast metal parts. Having said that, the Minichamps Williams FW07 and FW07B highbox models also seem to be made of all plastics parts too…
- the engine cowling is held up by a plastic toggle which is glued to underside of the plastic box cover. You can’t easily remove the cowling, instead you need to remove the toggle also.
- the engine cowling can’t close over the chassis because of the driver figure arms (see photo). This is not a problem with the Minichamps models.
- the quality of the rubber tyres isn’t good. Mine has lumps in the tyres.
- Michelin tyre decal detailing isn’t great either.
Despite these shortcomings, the Brumm packaging is excellent with lots of technical details on the inside of the foldout Ferrari 27 themed cardboard sleeve cover. The driver figurine is pretty good, although the seatbelts are a plastic mould rather than cloth. If you are Gilles fan, its difficult to complain too much about the Brumm.
In part 2, I’ll take a closer look at the Minichamps 1:43 models that have removable chassis cowling.