1:43 Diecast Review: Minichamps Williams FW07 series

After many years of waiting, Minichamps have finally released the Williams FW07C in 1:43 scale following the mould of previous releases of the FW07 and FW07B. The model is what I expected – its consistent with the previous models. I thought it would be a good opportunity to put these all side by side to compare the new re-release of the Alan Jones FW07B World Champions Collection edition against the previous production release too.
Due to the rarity of the old Minichamps Williams FW07B’s and the fact they were high box displays with a very unique removable full length chassis cowling and detailed engine and radiators meant these models were quite highly treasured. Just like the previously rare 1:18 Lotus Ford 79, Minichamps have re-released the Williams FW07B and added the FW07C. New collectors will be pleased to add these models at very reasonable prices. Will past collector’s lose anything (other than re-sale price)?
The old and the new FW07B 1:43 models are very similar but the new FW07B World Champions model has noticably better paintwork color and detailing. The aluminum paint for the chassis in the new FW07B model is more metallic and vibrant. The one obvious difference is the new FW07B model has improved paint detailing in the Ford engine – the Cosworth badging is much more pronounced.
There’s little to pick between the new Jones FW07B and the FW07C – both have excellent detailed driver figurines and the faithful engine/radiator layouts.
The verdict is if you don’t already have the earlier version models in your collection – the latest Minichamps FW07B and FW07C are slighter better detailed, so grab them if you are able to choose.
Here are some pics…

Old Minichamps Reutemann FW07B alongside the Jones Minichamps FW07B World Champions Collection 1:43 scale