F1 Diecast 1:43 scale comparison: Quartzo vs Minichamps vs RedLine

A few posts ago, I posted shots of Red Line Model’s 1:43 scale Ferrari 312B3.
Just to better illustrate the comparison of different diecast manufacturers, I thought it would be useful to put the following Nikki Lauda 1:43 scale models side by side for comparison:
- RedLine 312B3
- Minichamps 312T2/1 (1975 season)
- Quartzo 312T2/2 (1976 season)
So how do they compare?
As you can see from the shots below, the obvious differences are the driver figure (especially the helmet), brake ducts and suspension arm detailing.
The RedLine model clearly has better all round detailing although it has a much higher retail price.
The 312T2 Minichamps is an older model which had the old “jelly baby” driver mould as you can see.
Although the Quartzo 312T2/2 has a clearly inferior driver helmet, the build quality of the chassis is comparable to the Minichamps 312T2/1. In fact the Quartzo has a proper rain light bezel whilst the Minichamps rain light is just painted on.

Minichamps rear wing and exhaust. Note painted rainlight and stick exhaust. Less detailed than some might expect.